Rotary Components

Brush motors > DC Brush motors

Standard type


Parts Shape Outer Diameter
Shaft Diameter
Rated Voltage
lower limit
Rated Voltage
upper limit
No Load Speed
lower limit
No Load Speed
upper limit
M28N-3 Round 30.0 37.8 2.300 42.0 42.0 8400 11000 PDF
M25N-2 Round 25.6 30.8 2.000 31.0 31.0 11000 11000 PDF
M25N-1 Round 24.4 30.8 2.000 12.0 28.0 5500 16000 PDF


Power Supply IC > Linear regulator (LDO)


Series name Output current
Absolute maximum
operating voltage
operating voltage
Output voltage
Output voltage
Output voltage accuracy
No-Load Input Current
Dropout Voltage
Output capacitor
MM4066 200 7.0 1.70 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 7.5 0.35 50
MM4047 450 6.0 2.20 5.5 1.80 4.50 ±2.0 14.0 0.16 80 2.20
MM3871 300 7.0 2.00 6.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 25.0 0.62 70 0.47
MM3866 200 7.0 1.70 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 0.9 0.35 50
MM3864 300 7.0 2.00 6.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 20.0 0.24 75 1.00
MM3847 250 6.0 2.20 5.5 1.20 4.50 ±2.0 14.0 0.09 80 2.20
MM3823 500 7.0 1.60 6.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 60.0 0.25 65 1.00
MM3816 200 6.5 1.70 5.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 42.0 0.30 75 1.00
MM3764 200 7.0 1.60 6.5 0.80 5.00 ±1.0 20.0 0.08 75 1.00
MM3763 200 7.0 1.80 6.5 0.80 5.00 ±1.0 25.0 0.40 70 0.47
MM3755 150 7.0 1.70 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±0.8 0.9 0.28 50 0.10
MM3703 1000 7.0 1.60 6.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 60.0 0.46 65 1.00
MM3702 1000 7.0 1.60 6.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 60.0 0.46 65 1.00
MM3615 300 7.0 1.80 6.5 0.80 5.00 ±1.0 90.0 0.24 70 1.00
MM3608 300 7.0 1.80 6.5 0.80 5.00 ±1.0 90.0 0.24 70 1.00
MM3571 300 7.0 2.00 6.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 25.0 0.62 70 0.47
MM3566 200 7.0 1.70 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 0.9 0.35 50
MM3534 150 7.0 1.70 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±0.8 0.9 0.28 50 0.10
MM3532T 150 7.0 1.60 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 50.0 0.13 70 1.00
MM3532A 500 6.5 1.60 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 50.0 0.07 70 1.00
MM3529 1000 6.5 1.60 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 50.0 0.50 70 1.00
MM3526 500 6.5 1.60 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 50.0 0.25 70 1.00
MM3479 1000 6.5 1.60 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 50.0 0.50 70 1.00
MM3478 500 6.5 1.60 6.0 1.20 5.00 ±1.0 50.0 0.25 70 1.00
MM3464 300 7.0 2.00 6.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 20.0 0.24 75 1.00
MM3416 200 6.5 1.70 5.5 1.00 5.00 ±1.0 42.0 0.30 75 0.47
MM3411 200 7.0 1.80 6.5 0.80 5.00 ±1.0 25.0 0.40 70 0.47
MM3404 200 7.0 1.60 6.5 0.80 5.00 ±1.0 20.0 0.08 75 1.00
MM3376 150 6.5 1.10 6.0 0.80 5.00 ±2.0 1.7 0.05 0.10
MM312x 250 12.0 10.0 1.80 6.00 ±2.0 1.0 0.40 0.10
MM1998 200 -12.0 -10.00 -2.0 -5.00 -1.10 ±1.0 160.0 0.50 70 1.00
MM1937 300 16.0 6.50 14.0 3.00 10.00 ±2.0 300.0 0.30 70 2.20
MM1936 100 16.0 3.40 14.0 3.00 8.00 ±2.0 400.0 0.20 70 2.20
MM1926 250 16.0 2.50 14.0 3.00 10.00 ±2.0 200.0 0.20 70 2.20
MM1920 150 6.5 1.10 6.0 0.40 1.50 170.0 65 1.00
MM1899 300 15.0 2.00 14.0 1.50 5.40 ±1.0 140.0 0.35 70 1.00
MM1898 200 -12.0 -10.00 -2.0 -5.00 -0.90 ±1.0 160.0 0.50 70 1.00
MM1890 300 16.0 9.00 14.0 8.00 10.00 ±2.0 75.0 0.45 60 1.00
MM1886 300 16.0 1.80 14.0 1.50 5.00 ±2.0 75.0 0.45 70 1.00
MM1877 1000 15.0 2.20 14.0 1.50 5.00 ±2.0 2000.0 0.25 70 1.00
MM1870 1500 12.0 1.20 10.0 0.90 5.00 ±2.0 1000.0 0.26 65 1.00
MM1868 1000 12.0 1.15 10.0 0.90 2.00 ±2.0 1000.0 0.18 65 1.00
MM1866 1000 12.0 2.20 10.0 1.50 5.00 ±2.0 2500.0 0.20 65 1.00
MM1856 200 15.0 1.80 14.0 1.50 5.00 ±2.0 75.0 0.30 70 1.00
MM1849 300 16.0 9.00 14.0 8.00 10.00 ±2.0 75.0 0.45 60 1.00
MM1839 200 16.0 1.80 14.0 1.50 5.00 ±2.0 85.0 0.30 70 1.00
MM1836 200 15.0 1.80 14.0 1.50 5.00 ±2.0 75.0 0.30 70 1.00

Power Supply IC > Shunt Regulator


Series name Associated Data Absolute maximum rating Cathode to Anode voltage
Cathode to Anode voltage
Cathode current
Cathode current
Reference voltage
Reference voltage accuracy
Minimum cathode current
Off-state cathode current
Dynamic impedance
MM1530JN PDF product catalog 13 VREF 12 0.08 30 1.240 ±0.5 0.05 0.1 0.2 SOT-23A
MM1530EN PDF product catalog 12 VREF 12 0.30 15 1.270 ±0.8 0.15 0.1 0.4 SOT-23A
MM1530DN PDF product catalog 12 VREF 12 0.30 30 1.240 ±0.5 0.15 0.1 0.2 SOT-23A
MM1530DU PDF product catalog 12 VREF 12 0.30 30 1.250 ±0.8 0.15 0.1 0.4 SC-82ABB
MM1530CU PDF product catalog 12 VREF 12 0.30 15 1.270 ±0.8 0.15 0.1 0.4 SC-82ABB
MM1431GN PDF product catalog 35 VREF 35 0.60 50 2.495 ±0.8 0.30 0.1 0.4 SOT-23A
MM1431FN PDF product catalog 35 VREF 35 0.60 50 2.495 ±0.5 0.30 0.1 0.4 SOT-23A
MM1431EN PDF product catalog 35 VREF 35 0.60 50 2.495 ±0.8 0.30 0.1 0.4 SOT-23A
MM1431DN PDF product catalog 35 VREF 35 0.60 50 2.495 ±0.4 0.30 0.1 0.4 SOT-23A
MM1431DU PDF product catalog 35 VREF 35 0.60 50 2.495 ±0.4 0.30 0.1 0.4 SC-82ABB
MM1431CU PDF product catalog 35 VREF 35 0.60 50 2.495 ±0.8 0.30 0.1 0.4 SC-82ABB

Power Supply IC > AC-DC Converters



Parts Associated Data Toporogy/Function Type Recommended
operating voltage
Switching frequency
Switching frequency
Package Package2
MM3661 PDF product catalog QR control 8.0 24 500 108 SOP-8J SOP-10A
MM3663 PDF product catalog PWM control 10.0 24 500 66 100 SOP-8J
MM3665 PDF product catalog PWM+QR control 10.0 90 740 22 100 SOP-10A



Parts Associated Data Toporogy/Function Type Recommended
operating voltage
Switching frequency
MM3669 PDF product catalog For LLC converter 7.5 15 17 500 SOP-10A
MM3667 PDF product catalog For QR/LLC converter(MM3667A only) 6.0 15 17 500 SOP-8J
MM3878 PDF product catalog For PWM/QR converter 8.0 34 200 500 SOT-26E

Power Supply IC > Reset ICs


Series name Absolute maximum
operating voltage
operating voltage
Detection voltage
Detection voltage
Detection voltage accuracy
Consumption current
PST810 7.0 1.10 6.00 1.6 5.0 ±1 0.50
PST809 7.0 1.10 6.00 1.6 5.0 ±1 0.50
PST804 7.0 1.10 6.00 1.6 5.0 ±1 0.50
PST803 7.0 1.10 6.00 1.6 5.0 ±1 0.50
PST88xR 6.0 1.20 5.50 1.6 4.6 ±1.5 1.00
PST87xR 6.0 1.20 5.50 1.6 4.6 ±1.5 1.00
PST88xA 6.0 1.20 5.50 1.6 4.6 ±1.5 1.00
PST87xA 6.0 1.20 5.50 1.6 4.6 ±1.5 1.00
IC-PST598 12.0 12.00 2.3 4.5 ±15mV 15.00
IC-PST597 12.0 12.00 2.3 4.5 ±15mV 15.00
IC-PST596 12.0 12.00 2.3 4.5 ±15mV 15.00
PST11D 40.0 2.70 20.00 5.0 10.0 ±2 1.70
PST114 40.0 2.70 20.00 5.0 10.0 ±2 1.70
PST854A 6.5 0.70 6.00 0.8 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST853A 6.5 0.70 6.00 0.8 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST894R 6.5 0.70 6.00 0.8 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST893R 6.5 0.70 6.00 0.8 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST894B 7.0 0.95 6.50 1.6 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST893B 7.0 0.95 6.50 1.6 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST89EA 7.0 0.95 6.50 1.2 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST89DA 7.0 0.95 6.50 1.2 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST894A 7.0 0.95 6.50 1.2 5.2 ±1 0.35
PST893A 7.0 0.95 6.50 1.2 5.2 ±1 0.35
IC-PST84 12.0 0.70 10.00 0.8 6.0 ±0.5 0.35
IC-PST83 12.0 0.70 10.00 0.8 6.0 ±0.5 0.35
PST122D 40.0 2.70 20.00 5.0 10.0 ±2 3.70
PST122C 40.0 3.70 20.00 5.0 10.0 ±2 3.00
PST122B 40.0 3.00 20.00 5.0 10.0 ±2 3.00
PST122A 40.0 2.70 20.00 5.0 10.0 ±2 2.70
PST852A 12.0 0.70 10.00 0.8 6.0 ±0.5 0.35
PST851A 12.0 0.70 10.00 0.8 6.0 ±0.5 0.35
IC-PST86 7.0 0.95 6.50 1.2 5.2 ±1 0.25
IC-PST82 12.0 0.70 10.00 0.8 6.0 ±0.5 0.25
IC-PST81 12.0 0.70 10.00 0.8 6.0 ±0.5 0.25

Analog-to-digital convertor / Analog Front End IC > Analog Front End IC

Analog Front End IC


Parts Number of input channels
Package PDF
MM3609ARRE Resistance 2CH 24 PLP-24 PDF product catalog

Analog-to-digital convertor / Analog Front End IC > Analog to Digital Converter IC

SAR type analog-to-digital converter IC


型式 Number of input channels
Sampling Rate
internal reference voltage
MM3804 2 12 750.00
MM3802 1 12 200.00

Semiconductor Sensor

Temperature Switch IC


Parts Outline Operating Supply Voltage
lower limit
Operating Supply Voltage
upper limit
Operating Ambient Temperature
lower limit
Operating Ambient Temperature
upper limit
Detecting Temperature Accuracy
lower limit
Detecting Temperature Accuracy
upper limit
Supply current
MM3688 The MM3688 series has a detection temperature of + 60 ° C ≤ TDET ≤ + 90 ° C, and is being developed in steps of 1.0 ° C.
This product achieves an ultra-low current consumption of 0.12 μA typ., Which is ideal for mobile products that are concerned about power consumption.
1.6 5.0 -40 125 -2 2 0.12
MM3588 The MM3588 series has a detection temperature of + 60 ° C ≤ TDET ≤ + 90 ° C, and is being developed in steps of 1.0 ° C.
This product has a control terminal (CE terminal) for turning the output on and off.
1.6 5.0 -30 125 -2 2 1.50
MM3488 The MM3488 series has a detection temperature in the range of high temperature detection type: + 25 ° C ≤ TDET ≤ + 90 ° C, low temperature detection type: -20 ≤ TDET ≤ + 24 ° C.
We are developing products in steps of 1.0 ° C.
1.6 5.0 -30 105 -2 2 1.50

Analog Temperature sensor IC


Parts Operating Supply Voltage
lower limit
Operating Supply Voltage
upper limit
Operating Ambient Temperature
lower limit
Operating Ambient Temperature
upper limit
Detecting Temperature Accuracy
lower limit
Detecting Temperature Accuracy
upper limit
Temperature sensitivity
Load Regulation(0~200μA)
Package Package2
MM3154 2.4 6.5 -40 100 -2.5 2.5 -8.2 0 to 1.0 SC-82ABB SSON-4B

Digital Temperature sensor IC


Parts Resolution(1)
Data Update time
Operating Voltage
lower limit
Operating Voltage
upper limit
Ambient operating temperature
lower limit
Ambient operating temperature
upper limit
Package Package2
MM3286 0.5 9 2 3 5.5 -40 125 SOP-8D
MM3285 0.5 9 2 3 5.5 -40 125 SOT-26A SOT-25A

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