MM415x series are protection ICs with thermal protection and control teminal for charge and discharge off mode for rechargeable Lithium-ion or Lithium-polymer battery.
By using external thermistor, this protects the battery pack and system over temperature. In addition , it reduces the current consumption of system by using charge and dischrge off mode , when the system is shutdown.
Product Series
For one-cell
1) Range and accuracy of detection voltage
●Overcharge detection voltage 3.8V to 4.8V, 5mV steps Accuracy±15mV
●Overdischarge detection voltage 2.0V to 3.0V, 50mV steps Accuracy±35mV
●Discharging overcurrent detection voltage 1 +3mV to +50mV, 0.1mV steps Accuracy±1.00mV(MM4140 Series)
Accuracy±0.75mV(MM4151 Series)
Accuracy±0.50mV(MM4152 Series)
●Discharging overcurrent detection voltage 2 +6mV to +100mV, 0.5mV steps Accuracy±2.00mV(MM4150/MM4151 Series)
Accuracy±1.50mV(MM4152 Series)
●Charging overcurrent detection voltage -50mV to -3mV, 0.1mV steps Accuracy±1.00mV(MM4150 Series)
Accuracy±0.75mV(MM4151 Series)
Accuracy±0.50mV(MM4152 Series)
●Short detection voltage +10mV to +150mV, 1mV steps Accuracy±2.5mV
●0V Battery Charging Inhibition Voltage 1.2V~2.0V, 0.1V steps Accuracy±0.2V(1.2V)
●High temperature detection 50℃~85℃ Accuracy±3℃
2) Low current consumption
●Normal mode Typ. 2.5µA, Max. 4.0µA
●Stand-by mode(Overdischarge Latch "ENABLE") Max. 0.1µA
●Stand-by mode(Overdischarge Latch "DISABLE") Max. 0.5μA
- Productname
- Package
- 0V batterychargefunction
- Overcharge release function
- Overdischarge release function
- Discharging overcurrent release function
- Overcharge detection voltage [V]
- Overcharge release voltage [V]
- Overdischarge detection voltage [V]
- Overdischarge release voltage [V]
- Discharging overcurrent detection voltage1 [V]
- Charging overcurrent detection voltage [V]
- Short detection voltage [V]
- Overcharge detection delay time [s]
- Overcharge release delay time [ms]
- Overdischarge detection delay time [ms]
- Overdischarge release delay time [ms]
- Discharging overcurrent detection delay time 1 [ms]
- Discharging overcurrent release delay time [ms]
- Charging overcurrent detection delay time [ms]
- Charging overcurrent release delay time [ms]
- Short detectiondelay time [ms]
Product name |
Package | 0V battery charge function |
Overcharge release function | Overdischarge release function | Discharging overcurrent release function | Overcharge detection voltage [V] |
Overcharge release voltage [V] |
Overdischarge detection voltage [V] |
Overdischarge release voltage [V] |
Discharging overcurrent detection voltage1 [V] |
Charging overcurrent detection voltage [V] |
Short detection voltage [V] |
Overcharge detection delay time [s] |
Overcharge release delay time [ms] |
Overdischarge detection delay time [ms] |
Overdischarge release delay time [ms] |
Discharging overcurrent detection delay time 1 [ms] |
Discharging overcurrent release delay time [ms] |
Charging overcurrent detection delay time [ms] |
Charging overcurrent release delay time [ms] |
Short detection delay time [ms] |