MM3746 series are protection ICs with charger pump and drive high side N channel FET for Lithium-ion and Lithium-polymer secondary battery. This IC is most suitable for the intelligent battery pack with which I communicate data between the battery pack and the system. And MM3746 series has a temperature detection by using a NTC Thermistor, protects the battery pack and system from over temperature.
Product Series
For one-cell
1. Range and accuracy of detection/release voltage
●Overcharge detection voltage 4.2V to 4.6V, 5mV step Accuracy±15mV
●Overdischarge detection voltage 2.0V to 3.0V, 50mV step Accuracy±40mV
●Discharging overcurrent detection voltage 10mV to 150mV, 1mV step Accuracy±3.0mV ※1
●Charging overcurrent detection voltage -150mV to -10mV, 1mV step Accuracy±3.0mV ※1
●Short detection voltage 40mV to 300mV, 50mV step Accuracy±5.0mV
●0V battery charge inhibition battery voltage 1.3V fixed Accuracy±100mV
●Temperature detection Tdet 55 to 85℃ Accuracy±5.0℃
2. Temperature detection functionSelectable "Enable" or "Disable"
3. 0V battery Charge functionSelectable "Permission" or "Inhibition"
4. Current consumption (Not include NTC bias current)
●Normal mode Typ. 6.0µA, Max. 10.0µA
●Stand-by mode Max. 0.1µA (Overdischarge latch function Enable)
Max. 1.2µA (Overdischarge latch function Disable)
*1 Accuracy of overcurrent detection voltage

Product name |
Package | 0V battery charge function |
Overcharge release function | Overdischarge release function | Discharging overcurrent release function | Overcharge detection voltage [V] |
Overcharge release voltage [V] |
Overdischarge detection voltage [V] |
Overdischarge release voltage [V] |
Discharging overcurrent detection voltage [V] |
Charging overcurrent detection voltage [V] |
Short detection voltage [V] |
Overcharge detection delay time [s] |
Overcharge release delay time [ms] |
Overdischarge detection delay time [ms] |
Overdischarge release delay time [ms] |
Discharging overcurrent detection delay time [ms] |
Discharging overcurrent release delay time [ms] |
Charging overcurrent detection delay time [ms] |
Charging overcurrent release delay time [ms] |
Short detection delay time [ms] |