MJ3542 series are protection IC with integrated MOS-FET for protection of the rechargeable Lithium-ion or Lithium-polymer battery.The overcharge, overdischarge and discharging and charging overcurrent protection of the rechargeable one-cell Lithium-ion or Lithiumpolymer battery can be detected. It's possible by OTP technology to detect unusual state of a Li-ion battery with very high accuracy.
Product Series
For one-cell
(1) Range and accuracy of detection/release voltage
●Overcharge detection voltage 4.10V to 4.60V, 5mV step ±10mV
●Overcharge release voltage Vdet1 - CHYS *1
●Overdischarge detection voltage 2.00V to 2.80V, 100mV step ±35mV
●Overdischarge release voltage Vdet2 + DHYS *2
●Discharge current limit 3.0A to 12.0A, 0.1A step *3
●Charge overcurrent limit 3.0A to 12.0A, 0.1A step *3
●Short detection voltage 90mV to 180mV, 5mV step ±10mV
(2) Range of detection/release delay time
●Overcharge detection delay time Selection from 1.024s, 4.6s
●Overcharge release delay time Selection from 8ms, 16ms
●Overdischarge detection delay time Selection from 20ms, 96ms, 144ms
●Discharging overcurrent detection delay time Selection from 6ms, 8ms, 12ms, 16ms, 20ms, 32ms, 128ms, 256ms
●Charging overcurrent detection delay time 4Selection from 8ms, 16ms, 32ms
●Short detection delay time 300us to 600us, 50us step
(3)0V battery charge function Selection from "Inhibition" or "Permission"
(4) Current consumption
●Normal mode Typ. 4.5μA, Max. 7.0μA
●Stand-by mode Max. 0.1μA (In case Overdischarge latch function "Enable")
Max. 0.3μA (In case Overdischarge latch function "Disable")
(5) MOS-FET Source to Source on state resistance Typ. 4.7mΩ (@VDD=3.5V)
*1 "CHYS" is selectable from "None(0V)","CHYS1","CHYS2" "CHYS1", "CHYS2" depend on setting value of Vdet1
*2 "DHYS" is selectable from "None(0V)","DHYS1","DHYS2","DHYS3" "DHYS1", "DHYS2", "DHYS3" depend on setting value of Vdet2
*3 Please inquire to us about details of the accuracy of Overcurrent detection current,which is varies depending on the setting value.
- Productname
- Package
- 0V batterychargefunction
- Overcharge detection voltage [V]
- Overcharge release voltage [V]
- Overdischarge detection voltage [V]
- Overdischarge release voltage [V]
- Short detection voltage [V]
- Overcharge detection delay time [s]
- Overdischarge detection delay time [ms]
- Discharging overcurrent detection delay time [ms]
- Charging overcurrent detection delay time [ms]
- Short detectiondelay time [ms]
- Discharge current limit [A]
- Charge current limit [A]
Product name |
Package | 0V battery charge function |
Overcharge detection voltage [V] |
Overcharge release voltage [V] |
Overdischarge detection voltage [V] |
Overdischarge release voltage [V] |
Short detection voltage [V] |
Overcharge detection delay time [s] |
Overdischarge detection delay time [ms] |
Discharging overcurrent detection delay time [ms] |
Charging overcurrent detection delay time [ms] |
Short detection delay time [ms] |
Discharge current limit [A] |
Charge current limit [A] |