MM3721 series are Li-ion battery protection IC and detect charge current / discharge current with high precision by current sensing resistor (Rsns). MM3721 have two step discharge overcurrent detection. And system is protected appropriately in the next 2 state, Normal discharge mode and large current discharge mode.
Product Series
For one-cell
1) Range and accuracy of detection voltage
●Overcharge detection voltage 3.6V to 5.0V, 5mV step Accuracy±20mV
●Overcharge release voltage Vdet1-0.2V to Vdet1, 5mV step Accuracy±30mV
●Overdischarge detection voltage 2.0V to 3.0V, 50mV step Accuracy±35mV
●Overdischarge release voltage 2.0V to 3.0V, 50mV step Accuracy+65/-35mV (In case Vdet2=Vrel2)
Accuracy+90/-65mV (In case Vdet2≠Vrel2)
●Discharging overcurrent detection voltage 1 20mV to 150mV, 1mV step Accuracy±ΔV ※1
●Discharging overcurrent detection voltage 2 Vdet3-1 + 10mV to 200mV, 1mV step Accuracy±ΔV ※1
●Charging overcurrent detection voltage -150mV to -20mV, 1mV step Accuracy±ΔV ※1
●Short detection voltage 0.4V to 0.9V, 0.05V step Accuracy±100mV
●0V battery charge inhibition battery voltage 1.3V to 1.8V / 0.1V step Accuracy±100mV
0.9V Accuracy±300mV
2) Delay time setting
●Overcharge detection delay time 256ms to 4.6s
●Overdischarge detection delay time 8ms to 256ms
●Discharging overcurrent 1 detection delay time 8ms to 7168ms
●Discharging overcurrent 2 detection delay time 6ms to 64ms (tVdet3-2 < tVdet3-1)
●Charging overcurrent detection delay time 6ms to 64ms
●Short detection delay time 250µs to 400µs
3) 0V battery Charge function Selectable"Permission" or "inhibition"
4) Current consumption
●Normal mode Typ. 3.0µA, Max. 6.0µA
●Stand-by mode Max. 0.1µA(In case Overdischarge latch function Enable.)
Max. 0.6µA(In case Overdischarge latch function Disable.)
*1 Accuracy of overcurrent detection voltage

Product name |
Package | 0V battery charge function |
Overcharge release function | Overdischarge release function | Discharging overcurrent release function | Overcharge detection voltage [V] |
Overcharge release voltage [V] |
Overdischarge detection voltage [V] |
Overdischarge release voltage [V] |
Discharging overcurrent detection voltage1 [V] |
Discharging overcurrent detection voltage2 [V] |
Charging overcurrent detection voltage [V] |
Short detection voltage [V] |
Overcharge detection delay time [s] |
Overcharge release delay time [ms] |
Overdischarge detection delay time [ms] |
Overdischarge release delay time [ms] |
Discharging overcurrent detection delay time 1 [ms] |
Discharging overcurrent detection delay time 2 [ms] |
Discharging overcurrent release delay time [ms] |
Charging overcurrent detection delay time [ms] |
Charging overcurrent release delay time [ms] |
Short detection delay time [ms] |